What readers say about Dark Angels

Jason Chatfield

Fifth and current GINGER MEGGS cartoonist

Any red-headed scallywag has been dubbed Ginger or Meggsie for 100years now. That's some achievement, and I'm proud to be the fifth cartoonist in a hundred years responsible for keeping his story rolling. In his book Dark Angels, Ron Thomas has truly captured the spirit and character of the cartoon who has inspired a nation for a hundred years.

Penny B

Amazing! My favourite book of all time has been The Book Thief by Markus Zusak - I now have an equal favourite - Dark Angels by Ron Thomas.

Dark Angels is set in Sydney Australia in the 1930s with characters that have been described so wonderfully that they become vividly real. The story is so engaging that I read it in one day. I had to find out what happens as I felt that I knew the people. This book is one that I could not put down until I finished it.

Julie T

Thoroughly enjoyed this book. Nice to have a book which goes from the dark side of life to hope for the future. Descriptive of the time and the area - really took you there. Characters, real and fictional, easy to relate to and involving.

Edwina O’D

I enjoyed this book, getting to the life of Sydney in the 1930's was extremely interesting to me since I grew up very close to Darlinghurst. I enjoyed the characters, Ron Thomas brought them to life for me. I recommend this book.